About Us
About Us
LC Work Opportunities Offers
Lewis County Work Opportunities (LCWO) believes in the old proverb which says. ‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will never go hungry.’
The adults with disabilities who become employable after training will be helped in finding competitive employment. Those who are unable to meet the standards of private employers may be employed permanently by Lewis County Work Opportunities.

We continue to build for the future…
LCWO is continuing to grow and are working steadily to expand the opportunities we can provide to those we serve.
LCWO now serves over eighty adults with disabilities and employ a growing staff of caring people who work with, train and help them develop self respect, confidence and a desire to improve their lives and make a place for themselves in their community, – our community.
Originally started as a Sheltered Workshop, Lewis County Work Opportunities developed the capacity to produce a variety of wood products that would serve the needs of individuals and businesses in our community.
LCWO has also developed working relationships with various businesses which enable the adults with disabilities we serve to work in a supervised and non-supervised settings that help them develop their skills and abilities as they move toward competitive employment. We are also constantly building relationships that help us help the Adults with Disabilities who work independently in our community.
With the help and support of the community, and local businesses a increasing number of Adults with Disabilities now work in the community in competitive positions, and activity participate in the community.